The Fresh and Clean, Feel-Good Perfume
For the past months, everyone was worried about how they can protect themselves from the pandemic. As early as March, there was already a shortage of face masks, alcohol, and disinfectant solutions. And I have to admit that I was sort of relieved that I was able to stock several boxes of face masks as soon as Taal Volcano erupted in January and that I have always stored a few bottles of alcohol because I use them to clean our floor. It has been a habit of mine to make sure that I clean them with alcohol and this has carried out even when I am in the hospital taking care of my mommy. It is not just the scent but the assurance that you keep yourself and your family safe. We have all been devastated by the magnitude of the effects of COVID19 on all of us. Fortunately, being Filipinos, we have always been resilient and creative even at the lowest points in our lives. I am referring to the latest product of Acquiasuisse Parfums . In the midst of the pandemic, they have ...